Saturday, August 17, 2013

How you can get stronger and lift more weight.

The pursuit to lift more weight is THE path of competitors such as Olympic lifters and Powerlifters. It's the ONLY thing that matters!!! With that said, there are several phases to consider in order to reach that elevated state that allows you to push beyond your limit and reach a new level strength one that you never experienced before. And usually it culminates into a new personal record.

It comes down to 2 phases: BUILDING strength and TESTING strength

Building Strength
This phase is about creating volume in your training using less than maximum weight to create a stress and adaptation to handle greater loads over time. This requires tremendous loads over time using a rep range of anywhere from 2 to 4 repetitions with several sets. Using anywhere from 3 to 5 sets depending on the stress the lifter is trying to achieve. 

Testing Strength
This is the phase when the lifter has adapted to the stresses of the Building Strength phase and is ready to test his strength by lifting maximum loads with improved technique. 

Where people go wrong
I train at a Crossfit gym in Westlake Village called Crossfit FAST where inside is a strength center called THE PIT that has nothing but strength equipment: platforms, bumpers, squat racks etc. With that said, I far too often see Crossfitters and other non competitive lifters who are not on structured programs TESTING their strength with loads that exceed their max strength thresholds or the loads are greater than their ability to maintain the most efficient technique. The result is usually less than efficient execution of loads that create force leaks in the body (system) and then some form of injury sets in. 

Injury prevention or injury reduction can only take place when skill and technique are not compromised EVER over time and over loads both maximal and sub-maximal. There is a place to build strength and a place to test strength. Testing strength all the time will cause stagnation, plateaus, and can slow down the speed of the lifter. That's why a building phase is necessary to avoid stagnation. 

Plan your training accordingly to increase further strength gains. 

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