Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vegetarian STRONG foods!!!

There are several vegetarian strong foods that will help you become stronger in your quest for strength. We're going to highlight 3 vegetarian foods. They are loaded with super nutrients to help you recover quickly and to help you have energy for training.

1. Blueberries
Full of antioxidants and loaded with phytonutrients its been recommended that blueberries help cognitive function by helping motor skills. In addition, it may help with short term memory loss. Strength training requires tremendous mental qualities to overcome a weight and having improved cognitive abilities can only help.

2. Beans
Beans are full of protein and fiber. Both of these nutrients are essential to sustain life and help with satiety. Plus, they are very inexpensive. A pound of beans costs less than $2 whereas a pound of any meat is going to run up much more than $2 a pound for just about the same benefits.

3. Dark chocolate
Loaded with antioxidants it also improves mood. Just about everyone feels better after eating chocolate. Choose dark chocolates that have a higher than 70% cocoa. Lastly, it's incredible for your heart!

There you go. Add these 3 strong foods to aid you in your quest for strength.

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