Tuesday, December 15, 2015

MINDSET: Weightlifting and life

Weightlifting is just about mindset as it is about the physical. The main reason why you're in a funk or having a bad streak of lifting is your mindset. You need to change your mindset. You need to think higher of yourself. You need to think more favorable outcomes for your life. You need to imagine yourself as a winner. No one can do it for you except YOU!!!!

Why do you think sports teams change managers when the team isn't doing so well? Same at work. People get fired because of poor job performance and the next person who fills the void brings a whole new energy to the group. Those that bring a new energy and new mindset to the group are the ones that are going to make it at the top.

Far too many times you get to the gym and someone is complaining about the smalls things. This really pisses me off!!!!!!!!! I feel like throwing a washing machine to their face because no one cares about complaining. WINNERS NEVER COMPLAIN!!!!

I have a daily routine that when I wake up and before I go to sleep I either read or listing to an audio program about self help, personal development, subconscious programming. Something that will develop my mind and take me to the next level. Change your mind, change your life. Develop that strong, powerful mindset. Nothing is too small or too big that can't be overcome.

Strong body, strong mind.

Coach Josue Cano

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