Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to have a STRONGER back

The back is a very sensitive yet important area not just for competitive reasons in our sport but for daily living. Estimates of 80% of American's suffer with low back pain and is second reason for doctor visits. A good friend of mine says, "A strong back is a healthy back." It's hard to argue that since having a strong back protects your back from injury and can help you prevent injuries.

Strengthening the low back involves strengthening several syst and I'll show you how.
1. Posterior chain strength: this is strengthening the muscles of the back of the body such as glutes, hips, thighs and upper back. The stronger these muscles are the greater in support they will contribute to the integrity of your spine.
2. Anterior chain strength: training the front of the body aids in support of the low back. Muscles such as the quadriceps, chest, shoulders helps keep the back strong and stable.
3. Trunk strength (core): trunk strength involves the muscles of the abdomen, serratus, and surrounding muscles that make up the center of the body.

FOR COACHING: contact me at or call 805-402-6335
Strength coaching for low back strength and performance

Trunk strength is relatively important because it's the muscles most closely linked to the low back. Therefore, these muscles have to be strong to keep the back neutral. The two exercises I recommend to strengthen the low back are: back extensions and reverse hypers. I do these two exercises BEFORE training and AFTER training. Watch the video for a demonstration on how to execute these two exercises:

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