Monday, June 30, 2014

He who cares less has the most Power!!!!

How do you not get bothered by the smallest things? It's quiet simple. Don't care!!! Don't care about the small stuff. People get pissed off about the smallest things that it's pathetic. Leaving the toilet seat up, not cleaning up afterwards, not placing the keys where they should etc. No one cares except you about the stupidest smallest things and when you do you flip out!!!!

Are you really that pathetic to allow yourself to be hurt or offended by the smallest things? Get a life man!!! Put your ego aside because that's what it's really all about. Your poor little stupid ego has been hurt and in order for it to be satisfied everyone around you needs to comply with your ego. How lame is that? What kind of life do you plan to live where you ego controls your responses to the 'littlest' things.

Next time your feeling anxious about something meaningless (c'mon, it's really not that important) put your ego aside. Just simply let go of how your feeling and experience the freedom. Don't come and explain to me how important your bathroom towel placement should be because it's NOT important at all.

By not caring, you experience freedom. You don't have to feel the burdens of your ego directing how your life should unfold. And by not's you who has more power. Those who care the most have more to lose and have a vested interest in caring because chances are they want something out of you or want a certain outcome to unfold in their favor.

In closing, care less...or just don't care at all. Because He Who Cares Less...Has The Most Power!!!

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